April 2000
1 April - D949 to La Sables. picnic site for lunch. D38 St Giles. V.nice harbour. was warmer to aire Grand Plague v.g.
2 - Wet and cold day in afternoon
3 - Left 10:30. Lunch Lerat past St Nazaire to Rariac. V.g.
4 - Followed coast toad to Herbingnac past Vannes to Lacqueltas
5 - Lorient - Ploemeur - Concarneua New railway station
6 - Pontabbe - Gullvinec for lunch. wind still very cold. to Penmarch & St Guenole on beach. v.g.
7 - coast road. Crozen - Margot - Camaret. small harbour
8 - Plouhinec Point de Raz - Ceden Capsizun near cemetary
9 - stopped for coffee by estuary bridge, onto camper park. v.g.
10 - still cold and windy. plenty of places to stop but too cold. Santa Pola/St Pol near roscoss car park on harbour
11 - Left 11 am Moraix. Plestin harbour for lunch, pleasant. On to Plougha and Palls Plague camping park. v.g. were allowed to stay 3 days
13 - Left 10:45. Coffee and market Bicnic thry St Brieuc on to 786 around coast on St Jacut camper park near beach, not a good outlook but quiet. Met couple from Tunbridge Wells. Invited for drinks.
14 - Left 10:30. Got colder, heavy rain. Lunch Cancale - Le Vivers. No outlook - moved to Mont St Michel. terrible weather
15 - wet and windy, so moved inland to St Lo then on to Cer{Cernay?} near abbey
16 - Left to Bayeux too busy on to Basen - Port Gold & Omaha beach still cold and wet
17 - Dry but cold. Wind followed coast "Overlord" coffee and lunch opposite man made pontoon from 1944, on to car park for Caen Port harbour
18 - coast road to Douville. good sandy beaches. wet. back to Pegasus Bride near ferry for 11:15 crossing
19 - arrived Portsmouth 6am, to Reading